Products > Vegetable Seed List
Artichoke Emerald Pro F1
Plants can grow up to 5 feet in the first year. Commercial quality mature heads are spineless and deep green in color. The heads are globe in shape achieving large size and wonderful quality; the artichoke hearts are deep and large.
6 - 7 Months
Emerald Pro F1 is suitable for Fresh market and Home gardens. The Main Choke size “Caliber” are Jumbo to extra large 10 – 12 cm in width and 13 – 15 cm in depth, the second choke set size is Large to extra large 9 –11 cm in width and 11 –13 cm in depth, the final set is Medium to large 8 –10 cm in width and 10 –11 cm in depth, under good production condition an Artichoke plant can produce around 24 – 32 chokes per plant.